
Cuartamenteru is pilgrim friendly and is part of the project named
Peregrinos por Asturias de Hotel en Hotel
(Pilgrims in Asturias from hotel to hotel)

Cuartamenteru is pilgrim friendly and is part of the project named Peregrinos por Asturias de Hotel en Hotel (Pilgrims in Asturias from hotel to hotel)

Cuartamenteru may be the perfect place if you are looking for lodging for the pilgrims on the Road to Santiago.

This is the final stage for many pilgrims, because we are located at 1,5 km from Llanes, precisely in Póo de Llanes

The Road to Santiago goes past the Cuartamenteru and we offer special services for pilgrims with credentials, including the following:

Welcome energy bars

Flexible timetables

Detailed information about the Road to Santiago

Special rates for pilgrims with credentials

Organization of carriage of luggage

Please contact us and we will be very pleased to answer any queries you may have.